Demystifying the Learning Process: One of the Things ABB is Offering: The knowledge base of this project consists of the little known or mostly ignored Power Law of Human Performance, the most stable of the laws of cognitive science. It states that an individual, not suffering from a debilitating physiological or mental condition can attain any degree of proficiency or competence in learning or executing any simple task. The mathematical formula of the Law [1,2] involves four constants that represent a physiological limit (A), negative prior experience before learning (B), positive prior experience (E), and the learning rate (p) that is mostly around 0.5. The extension of the Power Law, simply known as the Law of Human Performance (PLP) [3] states the same thing as the Power Law for the execution of simple and complex tasks. Of interest to the reader is the fact that the four (4) or multiple of four constants involved in the expression of the Power Law and of the Law of Human Performance, respectively, are not affected by gender or ethnicity [2-3]. The importance of this point stems from recalcitrant myths, for instance, that females were less capable of learning mathematics as compared to males. The myth evaporated, for those who are informed, in 1999 [4], following African High Schools Associate African High Schools Association (AHSA): Concept Notes.

Several years where males and female students took the same mathematics courses in the United States (US). From the preceding, it is a fact that female students can perform as well as male students in any STEM related earning, from middle and high school, to college and doctorate studies.
The above demystification of the learning process has been extensively utilized, very successfully, to trained female and male African America students in the US. ABB is counting on AHSA to be the vehicle for its replication in Africa. African High Schools Association (AHSA): Participating high schools will be selected based on the willingness of their administration to partake in this ABB program. All the five (5) regions of Africa, as per the African Union (AU), will be amply represented by several high schools. Naturally, given the STEM education objective, participating high schools have to offer a standard- based curriculum in Mathematics, along with courses in Physics, Chemistry, and Biology. While not required, a course in computer science is desired. This ABB program is designed to empower young, female students to successfully pursue Bachelor’s degrees in STEM fields. The value of STEM workforce, in this era of globalized economy, cannot be overemphasized. Participation in this program entails no changes whatsoever in the curriculum of the participating high schools. Further, there is no financial obligation associated with membership in AHSA. A requirement of participating High Schools is the enrollment of 30-50 students in STEM tracks at the high school level. If the high school begins in the 9th grade, then a participating high school should expect to have 120-200 participating female students in grades 9-12. The training of the participating students in the Study of Technology in ABB; is expected to enhance immensely their learning and their positive dispositions vis à vis STEM disciplines and professions.

Additionally, participating students will be mentored systemically, following the 12-Strand Systemic Mentoring Model of ABB. As a cohort, (originally labelled in 2016 by our Founder Rev. Pam Fomunung as STEM MOUNTAIN) of participating students graduates from high school, it will be guided into the College STEM program for the education of African female students. This program is described elsewhere, (the ABB Mentoring Program).


[1] Boof K. R., L. Kaufman and J. P. Thomas (1986), “Handbook of Perception and Human Performance,” Vol. II, Cognitive Processes and Performance, John Wiley and Sons, 28-61 to 28-71.

[2] Newell, A. and P. S. Rosenbloom (1981), “Mechanisms of Skill Acquisition,” Edited by Anderson, J. R. Hillsdale, N. J. Erlbaum.

[3] Bagayoko, D. and Ella L Kelley (Fall 1994). “The Dynamics of Student Retention, A Review and a Prescription.” Education, Vol. 115, No. 1, pp. 31-39.
[4] A publication of the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES). It reports the closure of the gap between the average performances of male and female US students:

Njita Wilson, Coordinator, African High Schools Association.


Edited by Dr. Bagayoko;